Friday, October 30, 2009

More Cute Pictures

These pictures of Miss Bella wearing Nicolas's beanie really show how much they look like each other. It's a little eerie. Nicolas loves to take pictures with Miss B and as you can tell Miss B looks straight at the camera and is ready for her close up when ever. Thanks Miss Shannon for the cute bows! I will download pictures of her 10 month photos next and then it will be the Halloween pictures. I hope you have a great Halloween. We are going to take Miss Isabella out for her first trick or treat and Nicolas said he would even grace us with his presence for at least the first hour and then he will go off with friends. Bella is going to be a flower although that isn't scary enough for Nicolas so he's changed her outfit to a Venus fly trap. Nicolas is downright scary, but I'm not sure what he is. It just looks scary.

1 comment:

FoxFamily said...

Nice venus fly trap idea for a costume. I love the little homie look in the beanie!