Friday, March 25, 2011

Fun in the Mountains

Nick, Nicolas and Andrew were on their way to Sunrise to go snowboarding when they saw what they thought was a doe in the middle of the road. They slowed down and realized it was a puppy out on ice in the middle of the forrest. They pulled over and grabbed him out of the middle of the road. He was incredibly dirty and very lethargic. They put him in the car and headed back to the cabin. We gave the lite guy a bath, gave him food, water and decided we should have him scanned to make sure he doesn't have an owner. We took him to a Vet in Lakeside and she said he wasn't chipped. He is incredibly malnourished and may not have made it one more night out in the elements. She gave him a shot of an antibiotic and a prescription for an oral antibiotic. She cleaned his ears and eyes and said he needs lots of food, water and love but we found a purebred Golden Retriever and that he is 3 or 4 months old. The vet also said this breed of dog is one of the best to have around kids and thus far he's been so good with Isabella trying to ride him.
Nicolas decided to name him Lucky and so it is. The dog found us and we've decided to welcome this cute addition to our family.

If you hadn't heard, U of A beat Duke! I believe Bella's outfits really pushed them to the winning point. Bella knows how to say
U of A, basketball and Wildcats. She's so cute when she says
U of A!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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