Monday, September 22, 2008

Water, Water, Water

On Saturday we had a crew of people show up to help get rid of our little water problem that has been sitting in the basement for over a week now. We were on four different flood restoration lists and everyone had at least a one week wait. They came out and cut three inches of drywall, checked for mold and put four fans and a dehumidifier downstairs. They will come back on Wednesday to pick up the fans as far as everything else we get to fix it all now. We're trying to decide if we should put carpet back down there. I say yes and Nick says no. First things first is re-insulating the walls, putting up drywall, painting with mold inhibitor paint and then deciding what to put down on the floor. I'm just happy that we decided to add the correct sewer water coverage to our home owners policy. Two of our neighbors did not have this on their policy and are not getting any money. We got paid out the max and will begin the clean up now. The good part is we wanted to redo the basement we just didn't know when we would. Well guess what it's time.
The above pictures are of our sump pump, the walls that had to be cut and some of the water logged carpet that was still there after four days. Nick cut a lot of carpet and Nicolas and I did the rest since he had to then go out of town.

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